Evoke Consulting

Arlington, VA

the charge
Capture the spirit of a fast-growing federal consulting firm with a rebrand that portrays its experience through the employees’ eyes.

the approach
Rearticulate the firm’s culture of empowerment with a narrative unafraid to express the personal commitments driving Evoke’s professional obligations.

the creative
Evoke’s logo portrays the intrinsic relationship between its employees, clients and communities. The website’s clean, statement-driven presentation provides a window into an employee-focused point-of-view uncommon for an industry whose workforce’s sense of belonging can feel more numerical than personal.

Logo Identity Brand Photography Website Signage Displays

Evoke Consulting website
Evoke Consulting website
Evoke Consulting impact logo in office
Evoke Consulting website news page
Evoke Consulting stationery package
Evoke Consulting mobile website

The Capstone

