145 Front

Worcester, MA • Roseland Residential Trust

the charge
Invite prospects to forget the old, run-down Worcester of the past and embrace the revitalization in a new apartment community in the center of downtown Worcester.

the approach
Create a brand that celebrates the people and places that are making Worcester great and challenges new residents to join the community to make downtown Worcester a destination again.

the creative
To highlight what it means to live local, we wanted to instill some local pride. With custom content that spoke to what it means to be a local, from tips on Worcester’s pronunciation to highlighting local businesses and the people who run them, the campaign drove home what it means to be part of a community.

Name Logo Identity Brand Website Collateral Signage Ads Social Engagement

145 Front collateral package and retail bag
145 Front stationery
145 Front branded contest promo coasters
145 Front collateral poster
145 Front collateral poster

The Oak


Spirits On Ice